Follow my blog with Bloglovin June 2019 | Rambles Of Ames

The blog for me to just ramble on about stuff and give shit life advice lol

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

How to fit into this society

It’s often asked whether or not you can fit into this society by just being yourself, and I mean, can you? To be honest, people do things that help them fit into the society, this society and in my opinion it’s all a bit hit and miss. Sometimes people get into the wrong crowds but then they try so hard to fit into those crowds that they get into all sorts of trouble and that’s not good for anyone.

This question “how do you fit into this society” is a tricky one because you be yourself, you get judged, you do things that you wouldn’t normally do trying to fit into society because let’s face it, nobody likes someone who doesn’t fit in or even who doesn’t try.

Having said that, there’s things that you can do to help you fit into society and help you feel less of an outcast, if I may say that.

Follow all the fashion trends
You know the magazine Cosmopolitan always has articles on the latest beauty and fashion trends, some of them even so ludicrous and ridiculous that you know you’d never follow in a million years, yet you do because you know this will help you fit in and have topics of conversations to people you meet.

When you’re round other people, do exactly what they do as well.
Okay, I get it, this one is a bit controversial, meaning that you shouldn’t ALWAYS do what your peers are doing, meaning you shouldn’t give in to peer pressure but nobody really likes someone who doesn’t follow everyone else and does whatever they want to do, you’ll always be called names if you don’t follow the crowds and if you get mixed into with the wrong crowds it can be hard to just say no and not follow everyone else.

You can not do what you want to do you have to do what society wants you to do, especially round certain ages, like 16 and losing your virginity or 18 and having an alcoholic drink, it’s almost as if you can’t take your time in this world because there’s always just going to be someone there judging you for doing things your way and at your own pace, if you do not feel comfortable doing things at a certain age then it’s obvious just because you’re scared or too chicken to do it.

With all this being said, I think it’s important for you to find your own path and your own ways of doing things in this world, take control of your own actions, learn to say NO and you never have to apologize for saying no and not doing what other want you to do, follow your heart, do what YOU want to do, at your own pace, don’t do something just because you see your peers doing it and you don’t want to be the odd one out, pace and taking your time is just as important as if you want to rush and do things at a fast pace.

Saturday, 1 June 2019

Body confidence

Since I was a child I have always been smaller than the people of my own age, I’m 22, I’m a size 6 top and a size 6-8 trousers, give or take the size depending on the style of trousers. I don’t think I have ever been confident about my body, which to be honest isn’t not normal I’ll admit, people are bound to have body confidence issues growing and becoming a young lady.

The main reason for my body confidence issues is my birth mark (hemangioma, also known as a pork wine stain because of it’s colour when it first appears). As many of you may know I have a condition called Neurofibromatosis type 1. The birth mark however is nothing to do with my condition. Pictured below is what my back looks like now, I don’t have any photos of what it looked like when I was a baby/young child.
I was told by my parents that when I was a young child that it was red raw in colour and described as a steak, the thickness was the thickness of a steak and it would bleed profusely at times. There was one time when I had to be rushed to hospital and my parents drove through the middle of the town and even went through red lights just to save my life. They were told by the doctors that if it was bleeding to get me to hospital IMMEDIATELY.
Since growing up I have always been self conscious of my back and what it looks like, I don’t like it. 
I don’t like having this massive scar on my back, it makes me feel, I don’t really know but it doesn’t make me feel beautiful. I have never wanted to wear a bikini or tops that show my back. I don’t want that anymore.
I have wanted to wear bikinis for ages but I have never had the confidence to do so, I don’t want people pointing and laughing about my back making sneer remarks and just making fun. The other week I went to the beach with my friends and it was the first time that I had worn a bikini in confidence and I felt good about myself. I felt happy, and that was the first time that happened to me.
My back causes me problems, for example it makes me very cold very quickly, or it makes me very hot very quickly, so obviously I do have to be careful when out in the sun and wearing bikinis but I don’t want that to stop me wearing bikinis and feeling good about myself.

Pictured above is a picture of me wearing a swimming costume and I feel confident when wearing it, it covers my back and it makes me happy to be able to feel confident about wearing a swimming costume and not feel so self conscious about my back and the way it looks.

I am going on holiday next week and I’m hoping that I can feel confident enough to wear a bikini or a swimming costume!!
I have always been smaller than the average 20 year old, but I am now so much more confident about myself, I am young, healthy & full of self confidence again, I hope that it stays and that I won’t let my back stop me from wearing a bikini and feeling good about myself.

I will never let my back or my smaller figure get in the way of my happiness and confidence, I will never let anyone’s horrible comments stop me from being happy!

Write in the comments a positive quote for others to read about body confidence
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