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Rambles Of Ames

The blog for me to just ramble on about stuff and give shit life advice lol

I think in todays society, it is important to acknowledge all these pressures around being a certain way or having your sh*t together at a...
Falling in love is by far one of the best feelings in the world, there is nothing better than listening to your favourite song on repe...
It’s often asked whether or not you can fit into this society by just being yourself, and I mean, can you? To be honest, people do t...
Since I was a child I have always been smaller than the people of my own age, I’m 22, I’m a size 6 top and a size 6-8 trousers, give or ...
Speaking as someone who has hardly any proper experience about dating and relationships, I don’t know if I will have any idea what I’m ...
I always think when meeting someone new there’s always that chance that they will become the biggest dickhead in the world – for whatev...
I love Skins, so here's why.. Skins is a tv programme based in Bristol. It's about a group of girls and boys who are in the Si...
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